
This website is about G.A.U.G. - Glasgow Amiga Users Group
Mailing List: gaug@onelist.com.
To subscribe send a blank email to: gaug-subscribe@egroups.com
IRC: #rabble uk.arcnet.vapor.com port:6667
Membership Fees
Full members - £15 per year
Part-time members - £5 per year then £1 for each meeting attended
Occasional members - £2 per meeting attended
We meet on the first Friday of each month in the
Chaplaincy Centre Library of Strathclyde University, Glasgow.
The exact address: The Chaplaincy Centre Library, 90 John Street, Glasgow.
It is across the street from Strathclyde University Union
and up the stairs. If you're already lost then perhaps
this map supplied by flavvy will help:
Why we exist:
To support Amiga users in and around Glasgow
by the following (no particular order):
Exchange of information.
The ability to help/assist other Amiga Users.
Amiga related conversation.
Friendship with like minded users.
Ability to do things that may be more difficult as an individual,
i.e. Trip to World of Amiga (WOA).
If you have any comments or questions concerning this site,
then contact the Webmaster:
Donald W Millican.
© GAUG 2000, Last updated 02/08/00